
How to boost your PMA!

There might be a school of thought that believes 'I think thin therefore I am', but mind over matter is not enough when it comes to keeping fit. With the best will in the world you need to actually put in some hard work too. However, all work and no joy makes working out a real chore.

Post-illness exercise pick-me-up

If you’ve been feeling under the weather, or battling a more serious health complaint, the road to recovery might involve lots of bed rest. However, before you put your feet up you might want to consider the benefits that a fitness plan might bring too, as it seems that some exercise can often help the medicine go down and for you to get back on your feet again.

7 motivation mantras to get you moving


“Nothing happens until something moves.” Albert Einstein might have been referring to more than just you getting off the sofa and into a fitness plan, but the fact remains that to make something happen you need action. For action you need motivation, and this is the part where many would-be fitness fans come a little unstuck.

What is CrossFit WOD?

Do you know what a WOD is? The Workout of the Day is at the core of CrossFit training techniques and consists of daily exercises which keeps you on your toes with different challenges. The simplicity of the idea belies the challenging reality of CrossFit which utilizes intensity, load and scale to really keep even the most athletic person progressing and working toward a fitter outcome.