Less than three hours of exercise a week can reduce the risks of killer Type 2 diabetes by around 60% according to a new study. Whilst a combination of weight training and aerobic workouts is the most effective, recent research suggests resistance training alone has a positive impact on the disease.
Exercise is important in staving off Type 2 Diabetes, and a recent study by Harvard School of Public Health suggests that weight training alone can help.
Ten minutes of weights a day
Looking at data stretching over nearly two decades the research suggests that weights work can help when it comes to cutting back the chances of getting this deadly disease, and not only that, but just 10 minutes of resistance training a day has an effect. This is good news for people who want to build up and tone muscle mass and are unable to get involved in aerobic exercises because of an existing health reason. The study identifies that weights can improve the ability to control the blood sugar levels.
Reducing risks
Details about the health of over 30,000 men were looked at for the study, with over 2,000 developing Type 2 diabetes. Looking at different variables, including exercise, the percentage risk reduction for two and a half hours exercise per week was 34% for those who embarked on weight training and 52% for men who worked out aerobically. Interestingly, it seems that a combination of weights and cardiovascular work seems to have an even greater effect with a 60% reduction on developing the disease.
Fitness with a focus
There’s no doubt that using the right exercise equipment, in an environment that’s conducive to focusing on a quality training or workout session, as well as having professional, expert guidance at hand can really help. Knowing you are getting fit not just to look good but to help in a potential battle against diabetes should be enough to focus and motivate you. Being able to choose between high-energy aerobic workouts and weight work; ideally being able to combine the two, seems to be one way in which you can help your insulin receptors work effectively.
Who benefits?
Whilst the study analyzed the data from white male subjects, the researchers believe that when it comes to keeping fit, with either aerobic exercise, weight training, or both, cross-gender and different race categories will see positive results. The important thing is to look at how you can benefit when it comes to fitness for health. It’s a known fact that many people with Type 2 diabetes are overweight and this too is a problem that can be combated with the right diet, exercise and weight training routine.