As a runner you’re going to find yourself at a crossroad. Should you work up a sweat outside or do you pay your local gym a visit and run on their treadmill for 30 minutes? This is a question that many runners face and while some may think that both are exactly the same, there […]
Treadmill running or outdoor running?
What to eat after working out
No matter how long your workout is, eating a proper meal afterward is important. Many say that the body is a temple, yet not too many treat it as such. The key to optimizing each and every workout is to eat a proper meal to help the body recover from strenuous exercise.
5 Tricks to Boost Your Metabolism
Sometimes it can feel like you’re doing everything you can to lose weight: you make it to the gym regularly, you eat healthily and only allow yourself the occasional treat, and you nearly always take the stairs instead of the elevator. So why is it that the excess weight doesn’t seem to shift as fast […]
How to stick to your fitness resolutions
The new year is the perfect time to start thinking about fitness resolutions. Everyone can make them, but the problem is that not many people end up going through with what they set out to do. In fact, some may even break them off before they’ve got started.