Don’t Miss the Health Benefits in Figs

People have been reaping the health benefits of figs for centuries. This delicately sweet fruit contains an array of vitamins and minerals that can improve your overall health when they are incorporated into a nutritious diet. Follow in the healthy footsteps of the Romans and other ancient civilizations by making figs a regular part of your eating plan. Here are 6 reasons to eat more figs.

Strong Bones and a Healthy Heart

The calcium, magnesium and vitamin K in figs work in unison to strengthen the bones and help them stay healthy. Calcium is the most essential element in building a strong skeletal frame. Vitamin K assists the process by helping the calcium bind to the bones. Magnesium’s role in bone health is more subtle. Over time, getting enough of this nutrient can improve bone density and ward off osteoporosis.

In addition to contributing to bone health, a diet rich in figs can help increase cardiovascular health, lowering your triglyceride levels and reducing your risk of heart disease.

Fiber and Weight Management

The U.S. Department of Agriculture suggests that a small fig contains about 1.2 grams of fiber, and a large one contains almost 2 grams. If you eat this fruit every day, you’ll have no problem getting the recommended 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day.

If weight management is something you’re concerned about, the fiber in figs can help regulate digestion and make you feel fuller longer.

Youthful Skin and Eye Health

Over time, the body accumulates free radicals from food toxins, cigarette smoke and pollution. These unstable molecules attack the cells in your body and leads to premature aging of the skin and eyes. One way to fight back is by consuming antioxidants. The antioxidants in figs can help prevent wrinkles, vision loss and other damage to the body.

Get More Figs in Your Diet

You can buy figs in both fresh and dried form. If you want the maximum nutritional impact, fresh figs are always better. Keep in mind that fresh figs don’t keep well, so if you don’t plan to eat them immediately, dried figs may be a better option.

Here are some ways to add more figs to your diet.

  • Add them to salads and dressings
  • Use them on chicken, pork and beef to add a pop of flavor
  • Put them in plain yogurt to add sweetness
  • Broil fig halves on a baking sheet
  • Add a topping to your pancakes or french toast
  • Eat them raw

Figs are loaded with fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin K and magnesium, so they are a healthy addition to your diet. When you make this fruit a part of your eating plan, it can help keep your bones, skin, eyes and heart in tip-top condition. Adding figs to your daily diet is as easy as snacking on them raw or using them in your favorite recipes.

If you take insulin or a diabetes medication, you’ll want to watch your blood sugar closely when eating figs. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak with a staff member at Birdsboro Pharmacy. Just give us a call at 610-582-4005 or stop by!

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